What’s new
Chief Auditing Officer SUN Baohou Meets with Mr. Charles Augustine McDonough, Vice President and Controller of World Bank
CNAO retains the membership of Governing Board with most of votes at the XII ASOSAI Assembly
Mr. McDonough thought highly of the audit work conducted by the CNAO and called for more attention on the quality and performance of the projects. Dr.
The Delegation from the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India Visited the CNAO in February 2012
Headway Made in the Revision of ISSAI 100----The CNAO Participating in the Work of HPG
The 2nd Joint Meeting of Central Economic Accountability Audit Held in CNAO
Acting Auditor General of Thailand visits CNAO
President of State Audit Office of Hungary visits CNAO
CNAO Issued Report on Results of 30 concluded Cases Transferred to Other Departments for Further Actions by the End of 2011
Annual National Audit Conference Held in Beijing
CANO Issued Report on Results of Corrections and Implementation of Audit Recommendations
Mr. Anupam Kulshrestha expressed his gratitude to Mr. Liu, and he believed that the bilateral cooperation would be further promoted by more communicat
ASOSAI-sponsored workshop on “Audit of Public Debt”
CNAO delegates attended the 2nd Sino-India young auditors’forum
Themes of XXI INCOSAI Approved in the 62nd Meeting of INTOSAI Governing Board---Mr. Dong Dasheng Visits Austria and Spain