
CNAO retains the membership of Governing Board with most of votes at the XII ASOSAI Assembly
Updated: 2012-03-07   

From 25th February to 5th March, Dr. DONG Dasheng, Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, led a 10-people Chinese delegation to attend the 44th, 45th Governing Board meetings and the XII Assembly of ASOSAI held in Jaipur, India. ASOSAI forms its new members of Governing Board and Audit Committee for the period of 2012-2015 at the Assembly through secret ballot and the CNAO is re-elected as member of Governing Board with most of votes.

A total of 181 delegates from 42 member SAIs of ASOSAI attended the Assembly together with 16 observers coming from other SAIs and international organizations including INTOSAI, EUROSAI, IDI, World Bank, etc. Besides the approval of many reports on the agenda, the Assembly also witnessed the change of the Chairmanship of ASOSAI for 2012-2015 and announced the host of next Assembly. Meanwhile ASOSAI forms its new members of Governing Board and Audit Committee for the term of 2012-2015.

The new Governing Board is composed of 11 members: India (the Chairman), Korea as (Secretary General), Bangladesh, China, Japan (Training Administrator), Malaysia(next Chairman, Pakistan(last Chairman), Philippine, Russia, Saudi Arabic and Thailand. The members of Audit Committee are Turkey and Jordan.

Both at the 44th Governing Board meeting and the Assembly, Dr. DONG made presentations on the INTOSAI Professional Standard Committee and on the ASOSAI Working Group on Environment Audit as well. In addition, the 5th Symposium of ASOSAI on the topic “Assimilating the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs)” was also held during the Assembly. Dr. DONG delivered a special report of “Assimilating International Standards: China’s Experience”.

During the above-mentioned events, the Chinese delegation also conducted several bilateral talks and meetings with the heads of many SAIs including Russia, Malaysia, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Iran, Japan, etc., to further strengthen and promote the cooperative friendship between the CNAO and other Asian countries.

The XIII Assembly of ASOSAI will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015.