What’s new
2017 Chinese Government Scholarship Auditing Master Program opens
Auditor General Hu Zejun Meets with Laos Delegation
Mrs.QIN Boyong, Deputy Auditor General of China, visited SAI Ecuador and attended the SC meeting of INTOSAI WGEA
Auditor General Ms. Hu Zejun Reported to the Standing Committee of NPC of the Audit Work on Central Budget Implementation for the Year 2016
CNAO's Deputy Auditor General (Chief Quality Officer) Pays Official Visit to Viet Nam and Cambodia
Deputy Auditor General Dr Sun Baohou visits Canada and Brazil
Mr.CHEN Chenzhao, Deputy Auditor General of China, visited SAI Sweden and attended the GALF meeting
CNAO holds the 1st meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Big Data (WGBD)
Hu Zejun appointed Auditor General of National Audit Office
Auditor General Liu Jiayi meets with Pakistani counterpart
Ms. QIN Boyong Meets with Russian Delegation
Videoconference on Air Pollution Control Audit Held between China and France SAIs
CNAO Delegation Attends 23rd Indo-China Audit Seminar and ASOSAI WGEA Meetings in India
Mr.CHEN Chenzhao, Deputy Auditor General of China, visited Romanian Court of Accounts
Auditor General Mr. LIU Jiayi Meets Thai Guests