
CNAO holds the 1st meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Big Data (WGBD)
Updated: 2017-04-28    Soure:International Cooperation Department

       The 1st meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Big Data (WGBD) was held on April 17-19 in Nanjing, China. A total of 49 delegates from 18 SAIs joined this meeting.

  At the opening ceremony on the morning of April 18, Dr.Sun Baohou,Chairman of INTOSAI WGBD and Deputy Auditor General of China National Audit Office (CNAO), delivered a welcoming address and keynote speech . Meanwhile, Mr. Dene L. Dodaro, Vice-Chairman of WGBD and Comptroller General of the United States, Prof. Chaisit Trachoetham, Chairman of the State Audit Commission of Thailand, and Dr. Agus Joko Pramono, the Board Member of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia also made remarks respectively.

(Dr.Sun Baohou,Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, and Mr. Gene L. Dodaro,Comptroller General of the United States, cordially talked at the meeting.)

(Prof. Chaisit Trachoetham, Chairman of the State Audit Commission of Thailand)

(Dr. Agus Joko Pramono, the Board Member of the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia)

      After the opening ceremony, representatives of 13 countries introduced the opportunities and challenges faced by their SAIs respectively in the era of big data, relevant work experience and outlook for the future.Participants also discussed the topics for research projects including Big Data Audit Fundamental Framework, Audit Technology Innovation, Audit Management Reform, Big Data Audit Practice, etc. The meeting adopted the Terms of Reference and its 2017-2019 Workplan of INTOSAI WGBD, and decided the next meeting tol be held in the United States in 2018.

       Note: INTOSAI Working Group on Big Data (WGBD) is a specialized working group approved by INTOSAI in December 2016,under the the Strategic Goal III of "Knowledge Sharing and Services". Its object is to examine the challenges and opportunities faced by SAIs in the era of big data, to summarize the knowledge and experience in the field of big data assisted audit , and strengthen relevant bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation. As of April 2017, WGBD has 19 full members, one observer. At present, SAIs of China and USA serve as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.