
Audit Should Better Serve the National Innovation and Scientific Development
Updated: 2016-06-21    Soure:Internationcal Cooperation Department

        In order to better serve the construction of an innovation-oriented country as well as a world power in science and technology, National Audit Office of China (CNAO) recently released the Opinions on the Role of Audit Work in Better Serving the Construction of an Innovation-oriented Country and a World Power in Science and Technology(hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), after the National Scientific and Technological Innovation Conference was held in May 2016.

        The Opinions called for audit institutions at all levels and auditors to further improve audit work in ten aspects in order to better serve the construction of an innovation-oriented country and a world power in science and technology, namely:

        To realize the significance of S&T innovation;

        To focus on the new requirements of S&T innovation;

        To facilitate the implementation of S&T innovation relevant policies;

        To help establish and improve the mechanisms of S&T operation and management;

        To push forward the reforms of budgetary and financial management of S&T projects;

        To promote the diligent performance of duties and responsibilities of relevant authorities;

        To give impetus to the growth and effective use of S&T budgets.

        To propel the encouragement and protection of innovation;

        To push forward the improvement of relevant systems and mechanisms;

        To promote the innovation in audit practices.