
CNAO holds an International Audit Training Program
Updated: 2016-04-20    Soure:Dept. of International Cooperation

During January 7th - 12th 2016, the CNAO held an International Audit Training Program in the Audit Academy in Nanjing, China. A total of 48 participants from 4 SAIs of Thailand, Laos, Maldives and Tanzania attended the program, including 3 officials at DAG level from Thailand and Tanzania.

On the morning of January 7th, Dr. SUN Baohou, Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, was presented at the opening ceremony and delivered the remarks. He then gave the first lecture to the participants on China's political, economic and social status and latest development of government auditing in China.

This training program was based on the request of the individual SAI with an aim to promoting capacity building, strengthening managerial skills, and expanding international experiences. It covered several topics including audit of public investment, human resources and auditor training, audit of financial system, accountability audit and environmental audit. In addition, the participants also paid a study visit to Nanjing Audit University, Jiangsu Provincial Audit Office and Shanghai Municipal Audit Office.