
LIU Jiayi Attending the International Symposium “National Integrity System” and Meeting Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Updated: 2016-04-20   

Mr. LIU Jiayi, Auditor General of China and Chairman of INTOSAI Governing Board, attended the International Symposium "National Integrity System" hosted on February 18, 2016 and in Chiang Mai by the SAI of Thailand. During the opening ceremony, Mr. LIU delivered a keynote speech titled as "Bring the Role of National Audit as a Pillar of National Integrity System to Full Play". He also held the meeting with Professor Dr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand during the symposium.

During his speech, Mr. LIU pointed out that Corruption is an enemy of the people, and a serious threat to national governance. Therefore, he underscored that to crack down on corruption and combat crimes, has long been an important duty and mission for SAIs, and remaining one of the core values of INTOSAI. National audit serves as a cornerstone and key safeguard of modern national governance as well as an important pillar of National Integrity System. Auditors are familiar with the operation of government and financial revenues and expenditures and professionally competent in checking the accounts and tracking the funds. The full-time auditors and their professionalism in the supervision work, have jointly resulted in the strong deterrent power, which shall expose every instance of corruption. SAIs also have a common goal of fighting corruption. He called upon all SAIs to bring the role of national audit as a pillar of National Integrity System to full play, and make greater contribution to the promotion of national governance and sustainable development of economy and society.

A total of about 170 participants from nearly 50 SAIs and organizations participated in this international symposium. During the symposium, Mr. LIU also met Dr. Wissanu Krea-ngam, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand with fruitful results. Both of them have reiterated the profound friendship between the people of Thailand and China, as well as the cooperation achievements. Mr. LIU promised that he would exert his efforts with the counterpart in Thailand, to maintain and enhance the friendly exchanges and cooperation between the SAIs of China and Thailand.