
LIU Jiayi, Auditor General of China, Chairs the 67th Meeting of INTOSAI Governing Board and Makes the Chairman Report
Updated: 2015-11-26   

A total of 105 participants from 34 different SAIs participated in the 67th meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 9 to 11 November 2015, representing all Governing Board members, goal committees, subcommittees, working groups, task forces and secretariats of regional orgamizations. Mr. LIU Jiayi, Auditor General of China, chaired this Governing Board Meeting, and made the Chairman Report and Report on the Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues.

The new strategic plan of INTOSAI was deliberated, and the Governing Board decided to create a Task Force, chaired by SAI China to update the INTOSAI Statutes in accordance with the requirements of the new INTOSAI Strategic Plan. The Board adopted the continuation of the 2015 theme "Implementation of the Beijing Declaration, with particular regard to the UN General Assembly Resolution A/66/209 on strengthening SAI independence and the ISSAI framework on safeguarding the sustainable development of public finances" as priority theme for the year 2016. The SAI of Brazil and the ECA were appointed as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the PSC, to succeed the SAI of Denmark after INCOSAI 2016 and continue to improve the ISSAI Framework. The Board also considered the progress report by SAI UAE on the preparation for the XXII INCOSAI 2016, including the study and organization of the two main themes, i.e. themes I ("How INTOSAI can contribute to the UN Post-2015 Agenda including good governance in order to strengthen the fight against corruption?") and II ("Professionalization: what can promote INTOSAI's credibility to become a more prominent international organization?"). Moreover, for the first time all participants of this Governing Board meeting participate in three different breakaway sessions enabling active discussions and a lively interchange of opinions. The main issues on the agenda were: INTOSAI Governance, INTOSAI Standard Setting Process and the Role and Importance of the INTOSAI Regional Organizations.

During the Meeting, Mr. LIU Jiayi had various bilateral consultations with GB members, exchanging views on the future orientations of INTOSAI and its reform, the new strategic plan, and bilateral friendship and cooperation.