
13th INTOSAI CAS Meeting Closes in Beijing
Updated: 2015-11-23   

The National Audit Office of China hosted the 13th Meeting of INTOSAI Compliance Audit Subcommittee (CAS) in Beijing from 21 to 22 October 2015. 20 participants from 10 SAIs, including China, France, India, Brazil, South France, Romania, Georgia, Hungary, Norway and European Commission, participated in the meeting.

Mr. LI Xiaozhong, Deputy Auditor General (Quality Control) of China, addressed the opening session. Mr. Li pointed out that the 13th CAS meeting marked the third occasion that CNAO had hosted key Professional Standards Committee (PSC) events. The previous two meetings were in 2008 and 2013. It has been a fine demonstration of the importance CNAO has attached to professional standards and international exchanges in that respect. He also praised the significant role of good professional standards in boosting audit quality, and expressed CNAO's willingness in making due contribution to the maintenance, revision, dissemination and implementation of ISSAIs.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Jens Gunvaldsen, Chair of CAS. Participants reviewed comments on the exposure draft of the ISSAI 4000, and discussed implementation issues and other businesses. It was also decided that the next CAS meeting will be held in Oslo, Norway next year.