
Active Participation of the CNAO in the Work of INTOSAI WG on KNI
Updated: 2012-04-10   

The CNAO representatives, from the Resident Office in Harbin and International Cooperation Department, have attended the 5th Meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on Key National Indicators (KNI) held in April 3-4, 2012 in Riga, Latvia, and made a report titled as the Performance Audit Evaluation upon the Central SOEs with the Use of KNI under IT Environment.

The meeting also discussed the White Paper on Key Natinal Indicators (exposure draft) and passed its Working Plan for 2012. The use of KNI for international comparisons in the context of sustainable development and the development and use of key indicators for R&D evaluation have also been covered in the meeting.

Established in 2007, the INTOSAI WG on KNI is under the Strategic Goal 3 “Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Service” with its theme originating from Theme II of XIX INCOSAI in 2007 “Performance Assessment Systems Based on Universally Accepted Key Indicators”. By now, there are 22 members and 5 observers in the WG and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has taken the duty of WG Chair. The mandate of WG is to encourage SAIs and INTOSAI, in a joint effort, to participate in the development and utilization of KNI in the fields of economy, society and environment at the national and global level, and support the establishment of the function of measuring and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of government actions based upon KNI.

Ever since its establishment in 2007, the CNAO has been the active member of WG and participated in all mentings. The CNAO has also hosted the 2nd Meeting of WG in Beijing. The related work has been undertaken by the representatives from the Resident Office in Harbin, Law Department and International Cooperation Department of the CNAO.