
Cambodian Delegation Visits the CNAO
Updated: 2012-03-29   

From 20th to 26th, March 2012, a 10-people delegation from the National Audit Authority of Cambodia (NAA) visited the CNAO to learn the experiences on audit of foreign funds application, on the basis of the implementation of MOU between two SAIs.

On 20th March, on behalf of Mr. Liu Jiayi, Auditor General of the CNAO, Dr. Sun Baohou, Deputy Auditor General & Chief Quality Officer, warmly welcomed the visit of the Cambodian delegation at the opening ceremony held in CNAO’s Huairou Training Base, and gave a lecture on “General Condition of China and Brief Introduction to Audit in China”. The colleagues from the Department of Foreign Funds Application Audit, including Director General Dr. Xu Jiming, introduced their auditing experiences covering audit of projects funded by World Bank and Asian Development Bank, auditing methodology, as well as case studies.

At the closing ceremony, Mr.Keo Chea, Director General of Foreign Funds Application Audit Department of NAA and also the head of the delegation, expressed his gratitude to CNAO for the valuable knowledge and experiences they have gained