
Delegation of Finnish National Audit Office visits CNAO
Updated: 2012-09-12   

A Finnish audit delegation led by Mr. Tuomas Pöysti, Auditor General of National Audit Office of Finland visited CNAO from September 3 to 9 at the invitation of Mr. Liu Jiayi, Auditor General of CNAO.

On September 3, Mr. Liu Jiayi met with the delegation. Mr. Liu extended warm welcome to the visiting delegation, highly appreciating the friendly relations and close cooperation between the National Audit Offices of China and Finland. Mr. Liu said, the two SAIs shared many similarities in the field of auditing the implementation of fiscal policies and supervising the performance of public funds, and the prospect for the SAIs to promote exchanges and deepen cooperation is promising. He said, the global financial crisis had posed great challenges to the audit theory, audit mode and audit methodology, and he hoped that the two sides collaborate with each other in coping with the challenges in the future.

On September 3, Mr. Dong Dasheng Deputy Auditor General of CNAO, held a work meeting with the delegation, gave the delegation a brief introduction of CNAO and its latest development, and elaborated on how the scientific audit concept can guide the practice of auditing.

On September 4, Mr. Sun Baohou, Deputy Auditor General (Chief Quality Officer) of CNAO, exchanged views with the delegation, and introduced CNAO’s practice and experience on environmental auditing and financial audit. Officials from Department of Public Finance Audit, Department of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Protection Audit and Department of International Cooperation also joined the meeting.

The Finnish delegation later visited Shanghai Municipality, and held work meeting with officials from Shanghai Municipal Audit Office.