
ISSAI Harmonization Project Moving towards Successful Conclusion----The 4th Meeting of HPG Held in Mexico
Updated: 2012-11-22   

Harmonization Project has made further progress in the revision of ISSAI 100-400 as the 4th Meeting of HPG under the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee, held in October 10-12, 2012 in Mexico City, Mexico, has concluded with important achievements being reported on level 3 of the ISSAI framework, especially ISSAI 200 and 400, by the Harmonization Project Group.

21 participants from 10 SAIs and European Court of Audit have joined in the discussion about the draft of ISSAI 200 and ISSAI 400, as well as issues involving the dealing with exposure draft of ISSAI 100-400 as well as the comments solicited in the future regard and the harmonization work between Fundamental Auditing Principles (ISSAI xxx) and Auditing Guidelines (level 4 of ISSAI). All these work shall be done in mid-2013 and ISSAI 100-400 shall be endorsed by the XXI INCOSAI to be held in October 22-27, 2013 in Beijing, China, marking the full success of this complex and high demanding work of instituting high-level consistent and updated standards for INTOSAI community.