
Mr. HOU Kai attends ASOSAI 46th GB meeting
Updated: 2013-03-05   

From 18th-21st February, on behalf of Mr. LIU Jiayi, Auditor General of the CNAO, Deputy Auditor General Mr. HOU Kai led a 4-people Chinese delegation to attend the 46th Governing Board meeting of ASOSAI held in Manila, the Philippines.

A total of 55 delegates from 13 member SAIs of ASOSAI attended the meeting together with 5 observers from SAI Brunei Darussalam and INTOSAI IDI. At the meeting, Mr. HOU Kai made presentations on the INTOSAI Professional Standard Committee activities and on the ASOSAI Working Group on Environment Audit as well. In addition, the Chinese delegation delivered a special progress report on the organization of XXI INCOSAI to be held in October 2013 in Beijing, China.

Besides the approval of many reports on the agenda, the Governing Board also elected 2 representatives of ASOSAI for the INTOSAI Governing Board for the period of 2013-2019: Japan and Pakistan.

During the meeting, the Chinese delegation also conducted several bilateral talks with the heads of many SAIs including India, Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the Philippines, etc., to further strengthen and promote the cooperative friendship between the CNAO and other Asian countries.

The 47th Governing Board meeting of ASOSAI will be held in Moscow, Russia in 2014 in conjunction with the 2nd Joint Conference of ASOSAI-EUROSAI.