
CNAO delegation attends 6th meeting of INTOSAI WG on KNI
Updated: 2013-03-26   

The 6th Meeting of the INTOSAI Working Group on Key Indicators was held from 22 to 24 March 2013, in Krakow, Poland. 38 participants from 19 supreme audit institutions and international organizations have attended the meeting.

Mr. Sergey STEPASHIN, Chair of the working group and Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation chaired the meeting and presented the 2012-2013 progress report of the WG on KNI. Two important documents, Working Plan of the Working Group on KNI for 2013 and Strategy of the Working Group for 2013-2016, were discussed and adopted by the meeting. During the meeting, delegates of respective SAIs shared with each other the use of KNI in various industries, presented good examples, and discussed problems of common concerns. National Audit Office of China made the presentation on the Use of KNI in the Conduct of Accountability Audit over the Party and Government Leading Officials in China, another fieldwork exploration succeeding last year's research on the use of KNI in the Conduct of Performance Audit over State-owned Enterprises, which was applauded by the meeting participants. Chinese delegates also introduced the preparation of XXI INCOSAI in Beijing.

SAIs of Morocco and Moldova were accepted as new members of the working group. It was also decided that SAI Indonesia would be the venue of the 7th meeting of the working group in mid-February 2014.