
CNAO delegation attends 6th meeting of INTOSAI WGFACMI and visits Ireland
Updated: 2012-10-17   

Mr. LI Yongku, Deputy Auditor General(Accountability Audit ) and Chief Economist of the CNAO, attended the 6th meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on the Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering in Sopot, Poland and visited Ireland.

From 30th September to 4th October, a 6-people Chinese delegation, headed by Mr. Li Yongku, Deputy Auditor General(Accountability Audit ) and Chief Economist of the CNAO, attended the 6th meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on the Fight against Corruption and Money Laundering in Sopot, Poland.

A total of 43 representatives from 17 members of INTOSAI WGFCML were present at this meeting hosted by the the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. The meeting covers the progress report and discussions on the activities of WGFCML and its various sub-committees and projects. The Chinese delegation joined the discussion and shared with the participants the opinions and experiences of the CNAO.

After the meeting, the Chinese delegation also paid a visit to the National Audit Office of Ireland, since it's the first bilateral activity between the two SAIs. Both sides attached great importance to the visit and have shared the experiences on audit system, the conduct of audit, the development and implementation of auditing standards with each other. The delegation shared with the Irish colleagues of the progress of the preparation for the XXI INCOSAI and also extended the invitation from Mr. Liu Jiayi, Auditor General of CNAO.