
CNAO hosts in Chengdu 63rd Meeting of INTOSAI GB
Updated: 2012-12-12   

The 63rd Meeting of the INTOSAI Governing Board took place from November 19 to 22, 2012 in Chengdu, China. The meeting, hosted by the CNAO and assisted by the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, brought together the representatives of 31 different SAIs in their capacity as INTOSAI Governing Board members and rapporteurs from INTOSAI Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Group and Task Forces as well as an Under Secretary General of the United Nations.

Among various achievements, the Endorsement of the Rules of Procedures for XXI INCOSAI to be held in Beijing, China from October 22 - 27, 2013 as well as a decision on the Beijing Declaration to be adopted by XXI INCOSAI as the single final congress document has been highlighted.

The Governing Board has also approved the full membership of the SAI of South Sudan, raising INTOSAI’s membership to 191 full members and agreed that the priority themes for 2013 be "Implementation of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/66/209 and Implementation of ISSAIs and INTOSAI GOVs". Various institutions under the umbrella of INTOSAI have been restructured, including the Task Force on Strategic Planning, the INTOSAI Standing Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues, and the Working Group on Financial Modernization and Regulatory Reform of Financial Markets and Institutions.

The meeting also nominated that the SAI of the United Arab Emirates will be the host of INCOSAI XXII to be held in the year 2016.