
Dr. Dong Dasheng visits the SAI of Argentina and attends the 6th Meeting of WGVBS in Peru
Updated: 2013-07-18   

Dr. Dong Dasheng, Deputy Auditor General of China, visited the SAI of Argentina and attended the 6th Meeting of INTOSAI Working Group on the Values and Benefits of SAIs (to be abbreviated as WGVBS) held in Lima, Peru in early July 2013.

Before attending the meeting, the CNAO delegation paid the first high-level visit in the history to Auditoría General de la Nación of Argentina and met Dr. Leandro O. Despouy, Presidente of the SAI, in order to further promote the cooperation and exchange between SAIs of China and Argentina.

During the 6th meeting of INTOSAI WGVBS, project reports have been introduced, and Dr. Dong also made a speech on the preparation for the XXI INCOSAI and the contribution of CNAO to WGVBS.

(The group photo of the participants of the 6th Meeting of INTOSAI WGVBS)