
Dr. SUN Baohou, Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, attends the XIII ASOSAI Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and visits the OAG of Thailand
Updated: 2015-03-09   

On 9-10th February 2015, Dr. SUN Baohou, Deputy Auditor General of the CNAO, led a 10-people Chinese delegation to attend the XIII Assembly of ASOSAI and 48th Governing Board meeting held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

A total number of 191 participants from 39 ASOSAI member SAIs as well as observers including INTOSAI, IDI, EUROSAI, and AFROSAI gather at the Assembly together. Yab Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Misnister of Malaysia, attends thet openning ceremony of the Assembly and makks his keynote address. Dr. SUN delivers the address on behalf of Mr. LIU Jiayia, Chairman of the Governing Board of INTOSAI and Auditor Generl of the CNAO.

The Assembly adopts a series of importants documents, including the Strategic Plan 2016-2021 of ASOSAI, the ASOSAI financial statements and the report of the Audit Committee on external audit results for FYs 2012-2014, the three-year budget plan for FYs 2016-2018, the Financial Rules and the Auditing Policies for ASOSAI, the final report of the 10th Research Project of ASOSAI, etc.

The next host for the 14th ASOSAI Assembly to be held in 2018 was determined to be the SAI of Vietnam (the next Chair of ASOSAI), and the term of ASOSAI Secretariat for the SAI of Korea was determined to be extended for 2015-2018. After a secret ballot by a new electronic voting system, the SAIs of Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Turkey are elected as new members of Governing Board for 2015-2018, in addition to the 5 ex-officio members of SAIs of Malaysia (Chair of ASOSAI), Korea (Secretary General), Vietnam (next Chair), Inida( immediate past Chair), Japan (Capacity Development Administrator). While SAIs of Jordan and Mongolia win the posts of Audit Committee membership.

Both at the Assembly and the 48th Governing Board meeting held one day earlier, the Chinese delegation made presentations on the progesss of the 10th Research Project, the activities of INTOSAI Professional Standard Committee, and the work of ASOSAI Working Group on Environment Audit.

Before attending the Assembly, the delegation of CNAO pays a visit to the Office of Auditor General of Thailand on 5-6 February. They visited the Chiang Mai Regional Office firstly, and held a working meeting with Prof. Chaisit Trachoetham, Chairman of the State Audit Commission, and Mr. Pisit Leelavachiropas, Auditor General of OAG Thailand on the topics of human resource management, education and training of auditors.