
SAI China Hosts ASOSAI TFAR Meeting in Beijing
Updated: 2023-07-12    Soure:International Cooperation Department

From 28 to 30 June, 2023, SAI China hosted the meeting of the Task Force for research on ASOSAI Regulations (TFAR) in Beijing in a blended format. 12 representatives from 6 member SAIs of TFAR participated the meeting in person while 7 representatives from other 4 member SAIs joined the meeting online.

(Photo1. Group Photo of representatives in the headquarter of SAI China)

Mr ZHANG Ke, Deputy Auditor General of China extended his welcome on behalf of Mr HOU Kai, Auditor General of China and Secretary General of ASOSAI. He highlighted the long-standing impact of the work of TFAR and wished the meeting a great success basing on the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation.

(Photo2. Meeting in Progress)

During the meeting, TFAR members discussed the first draft of the 'Procedural Rules of ASOSAI Working Groups', a new regulation prepared by the Secretariat, revisited the Accounting Policies for ASOSAI, and shared opinions on the current Terms of Reference of the ASOSAI Capacity Development Committee. Members also agreed that TFAR milestones shall be updated to reflect timely the work progress before the next Governing Board of ASOSAI.