
ASOSAI Holds its 58th Governing Board Meeting Online
Updated: 2022-06-14    Soure:International Cooperation Department


The ASOSAI Governing Board convened for the 58th time on 31 May 2022, and for the fourth time the meeting was held in a virtual mode due to the pandemic. Some 80 delegates from member SAIs of the Governing Board, the Audit Committee and observers from INTOSAI attended the meeting.

The video conference was organized by SAI Pakistan as host, and chaired by H.E. General Chanathap Indamra, ASOSAI Chairman and President of the State Audit Commission of Thailand. Mr Hou Kai, Auditor General of China, Secretariat of ASOSAI and Madame Qin Boyong, Deputy Auditor General of China attended the meeting and delivered a total of 8 reports on secretariat activities, financial statements, strategic plan, ASOSAI WGEA, and others to the governing board.

In the framework of this meeting, the Governing Board members took, among others, the following decisions:

? The ASOSAI Budgets for FYs 2023-2025 were approved.

? The Capacity Development Activity Plans for 2022 onwards were approved.

? The updated Implementation Matrix for 2022-2024 was approved.

? It was agreed that the report on the Feasibility Study on Establishing ASOSAI Working Group on State-Owned Enterprises shall be submitted to the 59th Governing Board Meeting for final approval.

? The Report on the Task Force for Research on ASOSAI Regulations (TFAR) was approved together with its Terms of Reference and Programme of Work.

? It was agreed that SAI Korea would be the host of the 59th Governing Board Meeting.

? SAI Uzbekistan was admitted to ASOSAI as a Member.

? It was agreed to set up a special committee to study the feasibility of establishing a new ASOSAI Working Group on IT Audit and Data Analytics with SAI India as its leader.